Hey you.
You've managed to reach two thousand and twenty FIVE. Holy cow! I know you’re feeling nervous right now. A new year just hit and you’re completely full of expectations and hopes for this year. Despite your best efforts to not write down any of the goals you want to achieve you have such big aspirations, as you always do. And with those always come the fear. Fear that you will fall so dreadfully short of achieving anything you hoped. Fear of disappointment. Always that fear of disappointment. Nevertheless, I know you'll jump in head first. With brave determination, excitement and joy. Showing no fear, despite that flutter in your heart and that clamp on your chest that no one but you can sense.
This year, instead of putting more emphasis of all the numbers and goals you might have, I wanted to tell you what I hope for you for 2025. Not what I hope you'll achieve. But what I hope you'll experience or get to do.
There is so much I wish for you this year. No countries to tick off of a list or numbers to hit. This year I wish you gentler things. I hope this year you find more happy surprises than you do sad ones. I hope you stop to recognize them and celebrate them, because I know they’ll happen. They always do.
I hope that in the madness of every day, you find it in you to ground yourself. To take time to listen to what you need in that moment and provide it. Time moves so dang fast and it’s easy to rush through the day. I hope there are days when you don’t. (We have to be realistic, as there will be many days where you still will)
I hope you make yourself more healthy little snacks. I know, I know, it takes time and effort and sometimes you just want something quick and bad, but you and I both know that you feel so much better when you nourish yourself. You have so much more energy and you feel so much better when you do. Don’t convince yourself you aren’t worth that time or that everything else is more important. Nothing is more important than tending to this body of yours. It carries you through everything. It deserves a little snack.
Make that silly little bingo card that you were talking about. Take it out of the realm of 'Wouldn't that be nice' and see what it's like to collect fun experiences this year. Try it!
I hope you write again.
Every day you miss it and every day you let pass without putting word to page. Even though you know it clears your head and softens your heart. Write darling, write. Write your thoughts, write your feelings, write your ramblings and your ravings. Write fiction! Write those little snippets of stories that float through your mind. Write them all down before they get lost in the maelstrom and you end up wondering what that funny little sentence was with that rhythm you liked so much.
For that matter, draw. Create! The irony of being an artist with a small business is that you end up spending less and less time doing what you love and more and more time worrying about the business side of things. But those business things don’t make sense if you loose touch with your creative core. Keep drawing. Practice with intention. Create studies. And allow space for things to just exist. Art that isn’t meant to be a product. Art that isn’t meant to be anything except for the doing of it. I know that sounds impossible to you right now, with a new collection on your mind. But when you find that space explore just for the sake of exploring. You had so much fun with that last year. Let’s bring that with us to this one too.
I hope that that clamp on your chest will loosen this year and maybe even disappear. Life is so great and beautiful. That fear doesn't serve you. But I know it's a lot to ask just to expect it to be gone immediately. I do hope though, that it becomes gentler, just as you have over the years.
Trust that this year will bring you joy. Trust that it will bring you growth. Trust that it will bring you success. In ways you expect and ways you don't know to expect yet.
I can’t wait to see what beautiful things you do this year.
It’s going to be amazing!
With love,